63 Following


Currently reading

Three Plums in One
Janet Evanovich
Just Breathe
Susan Wiggs
The Phantom of the Opera
Gaston Leroux, Jann Matlock, Mireille Ribiere
Me: Stories of My Life
Katharine Hepburn
Stephenie Meyer
Progress: 45/434 pages
The Geometry of Sisters
Luanne Rice
When Rabbit Howls
Truddi Chase, Robert A. Phillips
Under Gemini
Rosamunde Pilcher
Dockside (Lakeshore Chronicles #3)
Susan Wiggs

Scarlet Feather

Scarlet Feather - Maeve Binchy beautiful story.

Twelve Times Blessed

Twelve Times Blessed - Jacquelyn Mitchard Reading my 2 Deng's gift. Thank you Reb & Lhiz for this beautiful book.

The Phantom of the Opera (Penguin Classics)

The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux, Jann Matlock, Mireille Ribiere Reading The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. The story is realy good I will finish it.

Eclipse (The Twilight Saga)

Eclipse  - Stephenie Meyer Every part of the book is interesting. I luv this book.

New Moon (The Twilight Saga)

New Moon  - Stephenie Meyer Love the book. Ms. MEYER is brilliant writer